Service Center Rainwater Harvest & Pervious Concrete
In September 2016, The Village of Woodmere completed construction of a new Service Department facility on Maplecrest Road. Through an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF) grant, the Village installed 770 square feet of pervious concrete and a 5,100-gallon in-ground catchment system. This green infrastructure mimics natural landscapes by infiltrating stormwater into the ground, filtering out pollutants, cooling it down, and reducing the amount of runoff entering the storm drainage system.
Willey Creek:
This project is located at the headwaters of Willey Creek, a designated coldwater habitat tributary to the State Scenic Chagrin River. Preventing heated, polluted stormwater from flowing into Willey Creek helps preserve this sensitive, high-quality stream habitat. Native coldwater fish, insects, amphibians, and other organisms benefit from upstream infiltrative stormwater control measures.
Stormwater Cistern:
This in-ground catchment system filters and stores rainwater runoff from the service center roof. An ultraviolet light eliminates any harmful bacterial growth. The treated water is then used on-site for flushing toilets and washing service vehicles. Usage of the rainwater harvest system is being monitored, serving as a demonstration for local communities and businesses.
Pervious Concrete:
Unlike conventional concrete mixes, pervious concrete contains little or no sand, leaving a network of void spaces that drains quickly. Stormwater flows into the spaces between the concrete and is filtered through layers of rock before it is slowly released into the groundwater or Willey Creek. Regular vacuum maintenance ensures that the concrete continues to drain stormwater effectively.
This product was financed in part through a grant from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, under the provisions of the Surface Water Improvement Fund. The contents and views, including any opinions, findings, or conclusions or recommendations, contained in this product or publication are those of the authors and have not been subject to any Ohio Environmental Protection Agency peer or administrative review and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and no official endorsement should be inferred.