Development Plan Review
CRWP reviews site plans for proposed developments, stormwater control measures and natural resource restoration.
Why do we review plans?
Open space, wetlands, floodplains and wooded stream corridors provide free community services. They soak up and filter stormwater and prevent erosion, water pollution and flooding. In addition to preserving natural areas where possible along streams and rivers through conservation easements or public parks, communities can keep these free services as land is developed or redeveloped by taking planning and development steps to protect natural resources. One step a community can take is to adopt and implement model natural resource protection codes developed by CRWP. These codes comply with US EPA and Ohio EPA permit requirements.
To implement these codes, member communities can ask CRWP to perform comprehensive reviews of development plans as a supplement to their community's plan review process. We identify relevant federal, state and local regulations and provide recommendations for development plans to ensure natural resource protection is considered early in the planning phase. We also advise on the using innovative site design to minimize impacts to stream and wetlands and control stormwater management costs.