Erosion & Sediment Control

Ohio EPA’s Phase II Program requires erosion and sediment control and post-construction stormwater management. CRWP has developed two model regulations to address these requirements. This erosion and sediment control model regulation only addresses the construction site erosion and sediment control portion of these NPDES requirements. Phase II communities must implement separate post-construction stormwater management regulations under their Phase II Stormwater Management Programs.


The purpose of this regulation is to establish technically feasible and economically reasonable standards to achieve a level of erosion and sediment control that will minimize damage to property and degradation of water resources and wetlands and will promote and maintain the health and safety of the citizens of a community. The regulation allows development while minimizing increases in erosion and sedimentation and reduce water quality impacts to receiving water resources and wetlands that may be caused by new development or redevelopment activities.


This model regulation applies to all parcels being whole or partially developed for industrial, commercial, institutional, or residential projects; building activities on farms; redevelopment activities; general clearing; and all other uses that are not specifically exempted in the model regulation. The model details items required for inclusion in a stormwater pollution prevention plan, performance standards for best management practices, and inspection and maintenance requirements.


This model regulation for erosion and sediment control relies on county soil and water conservation districts for plan review in conjunction with community engineers. This model was collaboratively developed by CRWP and Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District and has been reviewed and approved by Ohio EPA for Phase II compliance.


Additional Language to Minimize Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts from Roads:

CRWP worked with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to develop additional language that can be incorporated into communities’ erosion and sediment control and comprehensive stormwater management ordinances to minimize nonpoint source pollution impacts from roads. Language applicable to roads is typically scattered throughout communities’ ordinances. The document, “Minimizing Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts from Roads”, provides code language designed to be a model for Ohio municipalities.  Townships may need to revise these recommendations.  This document is organized to present recommendations where each is typically found in a community’s ordinances.*

*This model code language was prepared by Chagrin River Watershed Partners using Federal funds under award NA18NOS4190096 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Management. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, or the Office of Coastal Management.

