
Types of ponds:

  • Online: An online pond is one that is located on a stream, and is built by dredging an area within it or by damming a stream.
  • Offline: An offline pond is completely separated from any other waterbody and has no inlets or outlets to a stream channel.
  • Water quality: A water quality pond is a shallow depression designed to filter pollutants from stormwater runoff before the runoff enters adjacent waterways.
  • Flood control basin: A flood control basin is an excavated area that temporarily collects stormwater to release it at a controlled rate to help prevent flooding and erosion.

Maintenance and monitoring of your pond:

  • Maintenance dredging may be necessary as sediment builds (some dredging activities may require permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or the Ohio EPA)
  • Prevent trees and shrubs from establishing on berm
  • Prevent and repair erosion
  • Keep all inlets and outlets free of obstructions
  • Monitor at least twice a year for erosion, grass and tree cover, and obstructions, weathering and displacement of material
  • Keep written and photographic records
  • Avoid use of herbicides and fertilizer around your pond. If application is necessary, use products approved for use near water


  • Excess sediment in your pond reduces storage volume, decreases water quality, and increases required maintenance
  • Identify the source of sediments. Sediment sources include:  stormwater outfalls, ditches, stream bank erosion, impervious surfaces such as parking lots, agriculture, and construction sites
  • Manage the source to reduce the need for frequent dredging
  • Install a forebay, a reservoir or canal from which water is taken to run equipment such as a waterwheel or turbine
