Rain Barrel Rebate

A rain barrel captures stormwater from downspouts and stores the water for future use. Capturing this stormwater from the impermeable surfaces on your property helps reduce the amount of polluted runoff that reaches our streams. The maximum rebate amount is $100. Rebate cannot exceed the costs of the rain barrel installation.


Questions? Contact Laura Bonnell at lbonnell@crwp.org or 440-975-3870 ext. 1002, or Kaylee Acres at kacres@crwp.org or 440-975-3870 ext. 1009.


How to Get a Rain Barrel Rebate


  1. Get a Rebate Pre-Approval
    • Fill out the Program Application form. A program representative will reach out to you to discuss your site and will ask for photos to confirm eligibility and help you determine your rain barrel location.
    • Take photos of the location. Based on site review, a program representative will notify you if you meet the site requirements for this program.
    • Review the Rain Barrel Rebate Guide and Rain Barrel Maintenance Guide.
    • Submit the name of the contractor you plan to use (if applicable), before photos, and signed Rain Barrel Maintenance Agreement to stormwaterrebates@crwp.org. If your plans meet all program requirements, you will receive approval to begin installation. After receiving eligibility confirmation and recommendations from a program representative, participants will have 15 days to submit all pre-approval materials.


  1. Purchase and Install Your Rain Barrel
    • Save all receipts for proof of purchase. Second-hand purchasing of barrels is allowed if the barrel meets all criteria.
    • Review the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District Rain Barrel Installation Videos for assistance.
    • Install your rain barrel according to manufacturer's instructions and take photos after installation is complete.


  1. Complete the Rebate Process