Sand seepage berms help to filter pollutants.

Springbrook Garden Park Wetland Restoration

The City of Mentor, in partnership with Chagrin River Watershed Partners and Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District, was awarded an Ohio EPA Section 319(h) grant in 2018 to restore the wetlands located at Springbrook Garden Park. Prior to construction, the site was home to a deep, channelized stream with no access to its floodplain and limited wildlife habitat. To address these issues the channel was widened and sand seepage berms were installed to help hold back water and create wetland habitat. Sand seepage berms are mounds made of the naturally occurring sandy soil mixed with wood chips. These small mounds help to spread stormwater out to the floodplain and filter pollutants. Through this project 2.25 acres of wetland were reconnected to stream, 2.75 acres of wetland were constructed and restored, and 2.75 acres were planted with native riparian and wetland species.


This project was financed in part or totally through a grant from the State of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, under the provisions of Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act.