Stormwater Management
Ohio EPA’s Phase II Program requires erosion and sediment control and post-construction stormwater management. CRWP has developed two model ordinances to address these requirements. The comprehensive stormwater management model ordinance only addresses post-construction stormwater quality and quantity management. CRWP and partners have developed a separate model regulation for erosion and sediment control. The comprehensive stormwater management model is drafted with the assumption that communities also adopt the erosion and sediment control regulations.
The comprehensive stormwater management model ordinance presents a compilation of components necessary for effective stormwater management, and it reflects a moderate level of restrictions in its numeric standards. The components included are based on technically sound principles and represent the best and most responsive balance of inputs received from a wide range of technical resources such as the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), Lake County SWCD, Geauga SWCD, and CRWP member communities. Additional technical support was provided by Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. Local governments that choose to use this model ordinance are encouraged to thoroughly review and, where desired, modify it to meet their local stormwater management needs and local interests.
This model ordinance was developed to assist communities in implementing practices to control water quantity as well as protect water quality and address the post-construction stormwater management requirements of Ohio’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Storm water Regulations. The model ordinance has been reviewed by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and is consistent with their NPDES Phase II post-construction stormwater management requirements.
The purpose of the model ordinance for comprehensive stormwater management is to establish technically feasible and economically reasonable stormwater management standards to achieve a level of stormwater quality and quantity control that will minimize damage to property and degradation of water resources and will promote and maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the community. This regulation requires owners who develop or re-develop their property within the community to control the quantity and quality of the stormwater runoff from their property and ensure that all stormwater management practices are properly designed, constructed, and maintained. In addition, this regulation encourages the incorporation of stormwater quality and quantity controls into site planning and design at the earliest possible stage in the development process, design of stormwater facilities to minimize maintenance and repairs, mimic natural drainage and infiltration patterns, use of existing natural features to serve stormwater functions and promote the use of multifunctional stormwater facilities.
Additional Language to Minimize Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts from Roads:
CRWP worked with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to develop additional language that can be incorporated into communities’ erosion and sediment control and comprehensive stormwater management ordinances to minimize nonpoint source pollution impacts from roads. Language applicable to roads is typically scattered throughout communities’ ordinances. The document, “Minimizing Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts from Roads”, provides code language designed to be a model for Ohio municipalities. Townships may need to revise these recommendations. This document is organized to present recommendations where each is typically found in a community’s ordinances.*
*This model code language was prepared by Chagrin River Watershed Partners using Federal funds under award NA18NOS4190096 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Management. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, or the Office of Coastal Management.
- Minimizing Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts from Roads
- CRWP's Model Ordinance for Comprehensive Storm Water Management
- Fact Sheet - Summary of a typical community's comprehensive stormwater management regulation adoption process.
- Modeling the Effectiveness of Traditional and Innovative Stormwater Management Strategies in the Chagrin River Watershed: Part 1 - Development Site Scale
- In order to enhance the effectiveness of land use planning, to support improved stormwater regulations, and to provide guidance for local reviewers and engineers in best management practice selection, the Source Loading and Management Model (WinSLAMM; Pitt and Voorhees, 2002) was tested for its ability to evaluate the potential of various stormwater management criteria and practices to meet comprehensive goals of flood control, channel stability, and water quality protection. This report summarizes the responses that might occur as a result of land-use changes and stormwater management choices using WinSLAMM. This approach is particularly useful in evaluating the effect of existing or proposed zoning, subdivision and stormwater regulations, or the range of stormwater management strategies.
- In order to enhance the effectiveness of land use planning, to support improved stormwater regulations, and to provide guidance for local reviewers and engineers in best management practice selection, the Source Loading and Management Model (WinSLAMM; Pitt and Voorhees, 2002) was tested for its ability to evaluate the potential of various stormwater management criteria and practices to meet comprehensive goals of flood control, channel stability, and water quality protection. This report summarizes the responses that might occur as a result of land-use changes and stormwater management choices using WinSLAMM. This approach is particularly useful in evaluating the effect of existing or proposed zoning, subdivision and stormwater regulations, or the range of stormwater management strategies.
Please direct your questions regarding the Model Ordinance to CRWP at (440) 975-3870.