Tailored Presentations for Community Staff

Presentations are tailored for each Member community. Contact us and we will arrange to present to your community - 440-975-3870 or contact@crwp.org.

Available presentations:

  • Pond/Lake Management
  • Dam Safety
  • Operation & Maintenance of Stormwater Practices
  • Rain Gardens
  • Roadside Ditch Maintenance and Sediment Control
  • Innovative Stormwater Management (LID/Green Infrastructure)
  • Phase II Implementation
    • MCM 3 - IDDE (Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination)
    • MCM 4 - Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
    • MCM 5 - Post Construction Site Runoff Control
    • MCM 6 - Good Housekeeping
  • Codes
    • Off Street Parking
    • Flood Damage Prevention
    • Riparian/Wetland Setbacks
    • Conservation Development