Who We Are

Chagrin River Watershed Partners (CRWP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that connects people and communities to care for the Chagrin River, Lake Erie and other watersheds in Ohio. 


Preserving and enhancing the scenic and environmental quality of the ecosystem of the Chagrin River, Lake Erie and other Ohio watersheds in a manner which assures a sustainable future for people, plants and animals.


Healthy water resources that support vibrant communities where we hike, bike, fish, bird-watch and enjoy the great outdoors.


CRWP was formed by 16 cities, villages, townships, counties, and park districts in 1996. Today CRWP’s 35 members represent over 91% of the land area in the watershed. 

CRWP's Founding Principles Are:

  • Natural systems provide flood control, erosion control, and water quality protection services that should be maintained as land is developed. 
  • It is more cost effective for local governments to take planning and development steps to maintain these services than to pay for costly, and generally less effective, remedial solutions.

To support natural systems and the services they provide, we collaborate with communities and organizations facing similar issues statewide to study watershed functions, plan for healthy watersheds, and restore streams and wetlands. CRWP is funded by annual member dues, service contracts with members and partners, donations, and grants from foundations and State and Federal agencies. Member dues are based on the amount of land in the watershed and the assessed value of the community. Since its formation, CRWP has worked closely with members in developing strategies to to reduce flooding and erosion and improve water quality and natural areas. These strategies protect quality of life and avoid future costs for communities and everyone downstream. 
