A New Primer on Backyard Bird Feeding with John Barber

A New Primer on Backyard Bird Feeding

CRWP hosted a free live virtual talk with John Barber to discuss how to design your yard to support native nesting and migratory bird species. He will share how to turn yards of any size into truly bird-friendly habitats!   John has been a citizen scientist for over fifty years, active in green space preservation,…

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Beaver Creek Restoration Project Underway in Munson Township

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Anne Lynch, Park Planner, Geauga Park District. (440)-279-0807 alynch@geaugaparkdistrict.org   MUNSON TOWNSHIP, OH (March 15, 2021) – A stream and wetland restoration project that includes approximately 1,800 linear feet of stream restoration, 8 acres of riparian enhancement, the creation of wetlands, and invasive plant management is underway at Beaver Creek located…

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Rain Gardens 101 with Laura Bonnell

CRWP hosted a free live virtual talk with our very own Project Manager, Laura Bonnell on all things rain gardens. Watch the video recording below to discover how rain gardens work, how they can help with localized water issues, and what it takes to install one in your own yard. You’ll also learn more about…

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Watershed-friendly Stream Maintenance for Communities with Jared Bartley

Watershed-friendly Stream Maintenance for Communities

CRWP hosted a free live virtual talk with Jared Bartley from Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District on watershed-friendly stream maintenance for communities. The presentation will help communities develop a watershed-friendly stream maintenance program and provide suggestions for how to deal with typical maintenance issues.   Communities are often responsible for flood protection and water…

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Planting a Seed with Barb Holtz

CRWP hosted a free live virtual talk with Barb Holtz from OPN Seed. Barb discussed native seed cultivation and conservation, and shared best practices in native seed sowing, growing, and garden maintenance. Watch the YouTube video to discover why natives are a sustainable and beautiful addition to your landscape!   Barb Holtz joined the OPN…

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Conquering Invasive Plants with John Barber

Conquering Invasive Plants

CRWP hosted a free live virtual talk with John Barber discussing invasive plant species and sharing effective ways to manage their spread for residents and land managers. He also shared some great native alternatives to plant instead!    John has been a citizen scientist for over fifty years, active in green space preservation, the recovery…

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Public-Private Partnership Leads to Conservation Victory for Eastlake, Chagrin River

Eastlake chagrin river landing

11 acres near the mouth of the Chagrin River will provide better fishing, boating and recreation access, and give a boost to nearby small businesses FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jared Saylor, jsaylor@wrlandconservancy.org; (440) 528-4178 EASTLAKE, OH (November 13, 2020) – A broad partnership between public, private and nonprofit organizations has led to the permanent conservation…

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